Telehealth POS codes 02 and 10

Telehealth POS 02 vs 10

In the context of telehealth, POS (Place of Service) codes are used on medical claims to indicate the setting in which a service was provided. Here’s a brief overview of POS codes 02 and 10, which are relevant to telehealth services:

  1. POS Code 02: Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home
    • Description: This POS code is used when the telehealth service is delivered through a telecommunications system but occurs somewhere other than the patient’s home. This could be in a medical office, hospital, or other location, but the key is that the patient is not at home. This code helps in specifying that the service was delivered remotely, which can be crucial for billing and reimbursement purposes, especially under certain health policies or programs that cover telehealth differently.
  2. POS Code 10: Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home
    • Description: This code is used specifically when telehealth services are provided to a patient that is located in their own home at the time of the service. This became particularly relevant and widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic when more patients started receiving care at home to limit exposure and spread of the virus. Health providers use this code to denote that the service was delivered remotely directly to the patient’s residence.

Read more about it on the CMS website

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